Italian Lesson

Nov 19, 2024 23:04

I got up in time for my Italian lesson. We did some listening exercises that were really hard. She also asked where I liked the culture on my cruise, and I said "Puerto Rico because the people are really nice".

Mimi is still being clingy. I had a nice nap with Zara. She comes trotting up when I lie down on the bed.

I found out how to get a brochure from Oceania Cruises, and they called me. Don't call me if you want to sell a cruise! I also requested a Cunard (QEII, Queen Mary, etc.) brochure. I also found a resort in Puerto Rico that's near the beach and Old San Juan. Expensive though.

I'd like to get icicle Christmas lights for my porch, but I don't have an outdoor outlet. I guess that I'll put lights in my windows then. And ask an electrician to put in an outdoor outlet. No, I found battery-operated lights on Amazon. Hmm. I want to put white lights around my windows, but most of them are 100 lights, and I need a smaller string.

There's a place that advertises on Facebook that has really cozy-looking pajamas. I might splurge for a pair or two for Christmas.

I've been feeling hungry earlier. I just realized that's because of the time change to the cruise. Plus having lots of food at my disposal. Hmm, I have enough money to get a pizza for dinner. Although I really didn't like the way that I looked on the cruise and need to lose weight.

I'm looking forward to the long weekend next week to get stuff done around here. I'm working in the first half of the week. (I drained my vacation days and need to build them up again.)

I want the Skinny Taste Fast and Slow cookbook.

I'm so tired of plowing through my email from when I was gone at work.

Perkins is offering Thanksgiving dinner. I might go there next week.

The pizza was delicious.

We now have tons of cat food (very important!) I also bought a cheaper electric razor because I'm tired of replacing my more expensive one. We'll see how it works.

Got the garbage out. My pet sitter threw out stuff that I needed. Sigh. She keeps on rearranging my stuff. She said that she’s OCD and needs to organize stuff, but she’d understand if I want another pet sitter. I don’t know. She’s really expensive too. I’m planning on getting the place more organized next week and over winter break.

Snuggled with Zara. I’m going to take a nap. Couldn’t sleep. I think that I’ll transfer my coats to the closet in my bedroom. Most of my hanging clothes are in the larger closet in the library room.

Got my bedside lamp set up, but I need an extension cord for it.

Hmm, maybe I could also plug my phone charger into it too. I can’t find my scarf hanger, so I ordered one.

I think that I’ll feed the cats and go to bed soon. I need to figure out what to do with my two carry-on bags. I only need one. And I should repot the trees this weekend because my pots are in my bedroom.

Oh, and I need to throw another load in the wash.

organizing, christmas, thanksgiving, pet sitter, italian, mimi, chores, zara, decluttering, food, san juan, work, clothes, cruise

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