Emergency Vet

Oct 27, 2024 02:58

I need to look for the waterproof pouch for my cell phone and order a new one if I can't find it.

Someone (Zara?) polished off the baby food. No, it was Mimi. She’s been eating the baby food. I’m going to assume that she’s okay, just off her feed. Zara won’t eat anything, so I’ll bring her in. I’m mulling what to do on the probably long wait, so I think that I’ll grab an Italian book.

I didn’t find the waterproof pouch, but found my dress sandals. Now I found the waterproof pouch, so I canceled my Amazon order.

I brought both girls to the emergency vet. Zara was way too easy to get into the carrier. Mimi led me on quite a chase, so she can’t be feeling too badly. They’ve been through triage-Zara was her usual fractious self, and Mimi liked the fact that they petted her-and now we wait.

The vet checked them over. They want to run blood tests on the both of them. (I figured that they would.) They said that Zara is “spicy,” and they probably will have to sedate her. Then they said Mimi was hissing, which shocked me because Mimi is usually pretty easy. So they might need to sedate her too. They did an ultrasound and didn’t see anything concerning. They said that it would be another couple of hours. I told them that I hadn’t eaten dinner, so they told me to go home and they’ll call me. So I did.

I got my Land’s End order with the snow pants and long underwear. That was fast. I need to try them on because I bought two different sizes because I didn’t know which would fit.

Filled out my replacement ballot. Brought down the suitcase and started packing for the cruise. I can’t find my white jeans that I want to take with me. I’m going to have to sort my clothes and put them away.

It had been four hours and I hadn’t heard anything from the vet, so I went back. Apparently, the girls’ blood work is done, and they need to just write up their discharge papers. The girls' blood work was good. Mimi's was completely normal, and Zara's was only a little elevated.

I had gotten checked out by a friendly big white dog. The dog was still waiting when I got back. I said , “Hi,” to him or her again. I’d like a dog like that.

We're back home. Mimi promptly chowed down. Zara is looking interested in food. We'll see. I really want to crash. I'm going to skip swimming tomorrow and collapse.

election, packing, mimi, zara, vet, swimming, clothes, dog, cruise

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