Oct 05, 2024 22:44
I woke up with my alarm. I’m thinking that I want to take a nap after the cleaner is done. Showered and shaved my legs because I have swimming tomorrow. Started towels washing. (I like to have clean towels when the bathroom is clean.)
The cleaner came and went and did her usual good job. She's always so cheery and nice too. I studied Italian upstairs because Mimi wanted on my lap. It took a while because I was reviewing old flash cards. I’ve forgotten a lot.
Someone on one of my Facebook groups said that she had daylilies to give away. I said that I would like them and she said, “All of them?” I said, “Yes.” Well, she wasn’t kidding about “all of them”. There are a ton of them. I need to weed the side gardens and plant them.
Returned and picked up library books. Now I’m home making lunch, believe it or not.
Got the daylilies out of the car because they’ll fry in there. I need to weed the side garden. I went looking for my hatchet but didn’t find it. I have some “bonus trees” to take down. I found a Web site about growing daylilies.
I’m tired. Nap time.
I'm up from my nap. Ye gods, I’m feeling tired. I’m thinking of going back to bed and getting up early.
Put my towels in the dryer.
Heh. I mostly gave up on my thoughts of Madison given that I have the house in Urbana, but Madison has a really cool Unitarian church designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Maybe I should look there for an assisted living place when I get older.
memory care,
assisted living,