Sep 04, 2024 00:50
Overslept this morning. I was a little late for work.
Well, hell. The mower guy hasn't showed up so far. Apparently he sent a message asking to mow on Sunday, but I missed it. Now the cleaner hasn't shown up.
Oh crap. I had an Italian lesson this morning and completely forgot about it. I sent a message to the teacher apologizing.
The cleaner showed up and she said that I need a "deep cleaning," which costs a lot extra but I said okay. The lawn mower guy said that he was coming, but now he wants to reschedule for tomorrow.
Hmm, it just occurred to me that we're coming up on my favorite season of the year! Autumn is a good time for long walks, crunching leaves under my feet. Champaign-Urbana looks especially lovely in Autumn.
I was thinking about the war in Gaza and the protests in Israel, and wanting to learn more, when a word popped up in my mind, Haaretz. So I googled Haaretz and found that it was an Israeli newspaper, and they have an edition in English. I have no idea how it popped up in my mind and where it came from. I poked around Haaretz's site enough to get the idea that it's a left-wing paper and they are not fans of Netanyahu. I balked at the price, but subscribed month-to-month so that I can cancel it when the war is over or when I get too horribly depressed, whichever comes first. Well, you think we have been scathing about Netanyahu, but it's nothing that compares to what they're saying. I can't find the exact quote, but it was something like calling him "the Messiah of lies" and something else derogatory. All right then.
All of this is distracting me from our elections. I really need to volunteer for Harris' campaign. I can only imagine the combo of Trump and Netanyahu. They'd probably drop an atomic bomb on Gaza except for the fact that the fallout would impact Israel. I need to figure out how to volunteer. I like creating content, but I need to find out what that entails. Okay, I signed up for a couple of events. I really would like to attend one that is about how to talk to people who disagree with you or don't care, but it conflicts with my voice lesson. Oh wait a minute. it's right before my lesson. I'm so there.
My Web programming class is moving fast. I need to bring a CSS book with me to Michigan and work on it in my hotel room.
The cleaners have spent hours cleaning! They're doing a better job than I had planned. The cats are decidedly unhappy and are hanging out with me upstairs. Zara wants to eat.
Apparently the house cleaners left without saying that they were leaving. I was still hiding out upstairs with the cats, but decided to check on them, and the floors were dry, so they had been gone for a while. They did a fantastic job. They even made my bed! (I kind of like how they made the bed, so I'll try it.) The rooms that they did look like a hotel! I just need to get the rest of the place unpacked and organized.
I was starving because I didn't eat lunch because they were cleaning. And the cats wanted to be fed. I fed us all, but I had forgotten that I had yoga tonight and couldn't find my yoga pants and it was late to be going, so I decided to skip tonight.
Oh. I forgot to mention that I will need to check luggage on my flight to Detroit because I want to bring pruning shears with me to take cuttings from the plants in the yard. I'll take the cuttings right before I leave so that they'll stay fresh. Actually, it would be cheaper to buy shears when I get there. I’ll do that and give them away on Buy Nothing when I get back.
I took a nap and slept for four hours. Zara was with me and made a fuss over me when I woke up.
Oh crud. Today is Tuesday, and I need to get the garbage out (done). At least most of it is out already. I’ve been thinking that today is Monday all day.
Put some Buy Nothing stuff out. Studied Italian. My flash card app knew that I skipped yesterday and was reminding me to study! Packaged up my eBay sale. I'll mail it at the post office that's open late tomorrow.