Zen and the Art of Miscommunication

Jun 30, 2024 21:22

I almost forgot. Here is my 1SE for June, starring Italy. I put some extra Italy pictures in after I came back because Italy is more interesting than what I’ve been doing.

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Woke up at 8 AM after having problems falling asleep. Did my morning routine, and napped until 11.

Went upstairs to study Italian before it gets hot up there. What I'm doing to study Italian is working; I'm learning new words and verbs. But I get impatient.

Oh, it's a high of 76 F/24C today. A perfect day for lawn mowing.

Hmm, maybe I should order washcloths to keep in my suitcase for Italy trips. I took two that I use, but they can't be that expensive. Amazon just has large bunches of them, but I can order a couple from Walmart on my next order. Hmm, I need to get frozen food, so maybe I should order today (done).

Mimmo is on my mind. When we were on the train to Florence, I was looking at him, and he was walking towards me. He was smiling, closed his eyes for a moment, and then nodded at me. I took that as him acknowledging me, but maybe he was saying "yes" to our having sex? Other things that happened would make more sense in that case. Though the busy trip wasn't conducive to it. The one time that we both had free, he was standing in the door of the hotel winking at me, but I thought that had to do with my vaping. I really need to learn Italian so that we can talk offline. Sigh. At least I'll get Italian out of it.

I want to work on tidying up the upstairs after mowing. I got the binder to use for the Italy memorabilia though, and I’m trying to process things as soon as I get them, plus I need to put up the clock and key rack.

I got my new wallet to go with the smaller purse (the one from Florence) and transferred stuff to it. It fits well. I’m looking at leather dyes for my old purse. It’s a very nice purse in beige, but I spilled spaghetti on it and stained it. A dark color should cover it.

Hmm. I really want to take piano again. But there is stuff piled up next to it. I need to work on the music room!

Well, I got some mowing done. Then the delivery guy brought my Walmart order, and I packed it in. The problem with mowing is that it wipes me out. I watered the herbs and tomatoes because the tomatoes were looking droopy. I’m too tired to put up the clock tonight. I think that I’ll pay some bills, go to bed early, and get up early to put up the clock.

piano, organizing, mimmo, sleep, weather, cleaning, italian, chores, italy, travel

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