A Little Progress

Jun 21, 2024 20:46

Woke up at 7:30 AM. Yay.

At work. Mimi wants to get some snuggles in before it gets too hot. I'm being smart and wearing shorts today. We were talking yesterday about the heat; my boss was wondering if she would make it through the presentation due to the heat, but she rallied. Eeek. Now Italy has the heat too. I'm keeping an eye on the weather in Rome to see what the weather is like at different times of year.

Today isn't quite as hot. But Tuesday is supposed to be 98F/36C! Ack!

I want to get gym clothes together this weekend and maybe go to a local gym. Hmm. I'm looking for a padlock, but it'll get here on Sunday from Amazon. Bah. I guess that I could go to Lowe's and get one. Hmm. One of the weightlifting books that I was looking at is for dumbbells, and I have some dumbbells somewhere. I need to get organized, no question. Hmm, the journal says "Your mind will quit a thousand times before your body will". True.

Overslept my nap at lunch. I've got the shakes and need to eat something (done).

Work is up and down. It's quiet today after a crazy day yesterday.

I found a French tutor who looks promising (Note to self: Amandine K. I could do a lunchtime lesson on Fridays.) Yes, I want to study both Italian and French.

The cats have discovered that lying on the stairs keeps them cooler. I want to work on boxes, but it is hot in here. I’m drinking decaf soda so that I’ll go to bed early and get up early while it’s still cool.

Hmm. I think that I’ll work in the “music room” (which is going to be a library because I want to move the piano into the living room) because I can turn on the ceiling fan in there.

I did tackle the music room. I’m dripping sweat despite the fan, but I was also listening to CDs and singing and dancing. And I was listening to Bonnie Raitt singing about “walking the floor all night long" (“I sho do…want you/I sho do…need you/I sho do…wish for you/I sho do…walk the floor all night long.” Know the feeling, Bonnie :)) I was singing surprisingly well given that I haven’t had lessons in a while. I think that the exercise in Italy did me good. I haven’t found the gym bags yet though.

I was reading about Naples. Mimmo thinks that I should study Italian there instead of in Venice because Venice has too many distractions. So there.

Mimi is loooooonely. And shedding big gobs of fur. I need to get the brush out.

I’m hungry.

Okay, I think that I’ve done enough for one night and I'm getting a headache. I’m going to take a cool shower and go to bed.

organizing, singing, sleep, french, weather, music, mimi, italy, work, cats, exercise

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