Jet Lag

Jun 13, 2024 19:21

Jet lag. I slept three hours and woke up. Mimmo wants me to forward the tripcast to the group. I am disgustingly awake.

Zara wants food. So it begins :)

I have a large stash of euros. Not sure where to put them.

Ack! Temps in the 90s today!

Breakfasted and fed the cats and showered and started laundry. And it’s 6:30 AM.

I think that I might be able to nap a little (done). Now I'm at work.


Tried to nap at lunch, but am annoyingly awake. I bet that I’ll fade fast tonight.

Exhaustion hit me this afternoon. I lay down for a while and need to make up the time for work. Now I’m hammered.

Zara likes climbing on my suitcase.

I haven’t been really hungry. My body doesn’t know what time it is.

Now I'm thinking of going to bed and getting up early. It'll be cooler. And I'm tired.

zara, italy, weather, travel

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