Adrienne's Three Ring Circus

May 28, 2024 22:19

I'll be able to get NBC Sports (the Olympics) with a premium subscription to Peacock TV, so that's what I'll do before the Olympics.

Ow, my knee hurts. Fuck.

Mimi started eating the food that Zara didn’t eat. At first, I tried to stop her, but I want someone to eat it.

Best laid plans: I couldn't fall asleep until 10 PM. I woke up at 4:30 AM and decided to go back to sleep for an hour. Then I decided to get up at 7 AM, and woke up at 8. I was dealing with an issue with the handyman and ran late, so I didn't get my shower, which I'll take at lunch (done).

I'm fighting my impulse to retire again today. Work is heating up. I don't know how I'll get everything done this week, both in work and at home.

Mimi: I want attention! Anyone who thinks that cats are standoffish should meet her. But she's dubious about strangers. She got fur all over the clothes that I want to wear to the grocery store tonight.

I've resigned myself to the fact that I won't get to yoga and tai chi this week. I have too much stuff to do. I'm getting off work late due to an urgent request. And I need to log on later to prepare for a presentation tomorrow.

I finished mowing the back yard. There is an area that I think is supposed to be a dog run that is full of flowering weeds, but I’ll need to take a weed wacker to that. That’s not going to happen before I go. I think that I’ll put down mulch there, but maybe I’ll need to wait until I have the garage built. I was wondering if you could put down black plastic sheeting to kill the weeds, and yes, you can (but I’ll need to cut them down). Now I’m cooling off. I need to get the garbage out and then run errands. The fun never stops.

Mom used to say that she didn’t have enough time to spend on the house, and I said that she’s retired, so how much time does she need? Now I get it. Sorry, Mom. (Though she did have someone to cut the grass.)

I finally got some mail forwarded from my mom’s house. Yaaaaaaaay! About time!

I got the garbage out. Then I ate dinner. I never got out to run errands because it got late and I needed to log back onto work. Now I'm done with work. I'm going to do dishes and start laundry and go to bed in the hopes of getting up early and running at least some of my errands before work.

lawn, sleep, mom's house, olympics, mimi, chores, zara, errands, ouch, mom, tv, work

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