Chaos Central

May 23, 2024 21:00

I printed out two listings for chiropractors. Too bad that I won't be able to see them before I go to Italy. My back is killing me. I thought about getting a massage, but I really need the money for the trip. I wonder if I should get a back brace for the trip. I read an article that said, "No".

I think that I'm going to live in shorts this summer.

My groceries have been delivered. I need to go put them away.

Hmm. I think that I need a small wallet and small credit card case to put in different pockets of my travel vest (ordered-got RFID blocking ones). My therapist suggested a money belt, so I'm wondering about it.

Oh good. I can study more than one language in the AI language app. Excellent. I'll sign up.

Talked to the handyman at my mom's house. We talked about the flooding in the basement (which I know about--he's not making it up) but he said that it would cost thousands of dollars to fix. Then he talked about getting rid of the refrigerator and stove. Someone please get this house out of my life!

I’m lying down for my nap, and Zara is cuddling. She’s alarmed by the people picking up the recycling though.

Had my session with my therapist. I asked her how to tell the difference between self-care and being indulgent by skipping tai chi and yoga this week, and she thought that I was doing self-care. That conference last week really took it out of me. She also told me to stick to my guns about my boundaries with the real estate agent.

There was a knock at the door. It turned out to be my neighbor across the street. She got some more iris bulbs donated to her and she gave me some. She's really nice and easy to talk to. We were talking about the critters that live in the neighborhood (no deer, thankfully).

I’m thinking that I’ll repot the herbs tomorrow. It’s supposed to rain, but I can do it on my porch.

Hmm. I was wondering if I could get a massage in Venice. I should have more money then because I'll get paid again. Need to think about this. I found a place with Thai massage, but I need to see how far it is from my hotel. The prices are reasonable.

I’m working on getting my American Airlines app set up. It looks like I didn’t get air miles for my Hawaii trip, which is disappointing.

Lay down for a nap but couldn’t sleep. Decided that I was hungry. Went out and planted the new irises that my neighbor gave me and some of the herbs. I thought that I bought more pots though, but I can’t find them. I ordered more pots. I want the herbs in larger pots so that they’ll stay moist while I’m gone. I already lost a thyme plant that shriveled up.

I’m dripping sweat. Ate dinner. What now? I guess that I’ll tackle the list from yesterday. Though Mimi wants food. And I’m thinking of going to bed early and getting up early. Fed the cats. Yeah, I'm going to scoop the litter boxes and go to bed. Got my flight up on American's app. Mimi has been walking on the laptop. Sigh. Chaos Central :)

therapist, sleep, french, mom's house, massage, italian, neighbor, chiropractor, garden, doctor, mimi, zara, italy, food, clothes, travel

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