Conference Day One

May 13, 2024 21:16

Crappity crappity crap. I brought my toothbrush case-with no toothbrush in it. I guess that I’ll hike over to CVS (which, as it turns out, is in Target) in the morning. I returned with a toothbrush. And I found a Jimmy John’s nearby for dinner.

I had problems falling asleep last night and couldn't fall asleep until quite late. I stayed awake by swilling coffee. Went back to Target and got some soda, granola bars, and the like. Ate at Jimmy John's. (I'm trying to save money for Italy, so I'm trying to eat cheap. And there aren't a lot of cheap restaurants downtown.)

People in Minneapolis seem really nice and polite. Cars stop for pedestrians (unlike in Chicago).

I'm making this an early night.

Okay, that was weird. The keyboard mapping on my laptop went all haywire. But I rebooted and it fixed it. Thank goodness. I wonder what caused it.
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