Travel Day

May 13, 2024 01:20

I’m on the train to Chicago. I had a couple of hot dogs and am about ready to launch into homework. Getting a lower-level seat was a good plan. They’re packed upstairs, but I got a window seat downstairs. Ate lunch and worked on my program.

Now I’m in Union Station waiting for the train to Minneapolis. On the train. Now I’m mulling over taking ( Read more... )

minneapolis, travel

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Comments 8

dadi May 13 2024, 11:43:58 UTC
Incidentials? What is THAT?


days_unfolding May 13 2024, 15:11:41 UTC
Phone calls, stuff charged to your room, expensive bottled water. In other words, highway robbery. Bah.


dadi May 13 2024, 16:38:06 UTC
You consumed all that in one night? Whoa!


days_unfolding May 13 2024, 17:40:31 UTC
No, they put a hold for that amount in case I spend money, which I won’t.


ragnarok_08 May 14 2024, 03:04:06 UTC
Oh wow, $600 for incidentals, jeez!


one_raido May 20 2024, 00:12:06 UTC
Just read all your conference posts. I don't know how I missed them the first time.

What hotel did you stay at?


days_unfolding May 21 2024, 02:20:01 UTC

The Hilton Minneapolis


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