
May 10, 2024 05:19

Got the duplicate title form filled out and ready to mail after yoga.

I found a cool outfit for Italy. It’s a cream blazer with a blue and white top. I just ordered some navy dress pants to go with it. It’ll probably be what I wear to the Vatican. (They have a dress code.)

I asked my dad’s wife Sue if he was okay because he’s not acting like himself, and she said that they’re both sick with something that sounds like COVID, but she took a test that was negative. She said that he didn’t sleep last night and couldn’t remember anything that she told him. That explains a lot. He sent a more coherent email today.

Had my session with the life coach. We agreed that I will take three months off and then see if I want more sessions. I also have two extra sessions paid for if I need a “tuneup”. She wants me to send her pictures of my Italy trip.

My presentation at work went okay.

Talked to Amtrak. It looks like I won’t be able to take the new suitcase as a carryon because it’s a little too big and I won’t be able to check luggage to Minneapolis. I fixed the zipper on my old suitcase and will take that. I need to take yoga pants so that I can wash them out and wear them again. Oh, I can park at the train station.

By the way, I love the new suitcase. It’s gorgeous. I want to get a matching carryon eventually.

Went to yoga. Hardly anyone was there. We were doing a leg lift and arm lift when I had a sharp pain in my knee. I said “Ouch” loudly and the teacher asked if I was okay. I sat there for a while. Then we were moving our bent legs for side to side, which is usually easy, so I tried it, but my knee said, “No way!” I then quietly packed up my stuff and told the teacher that I needed to leave. I ran the duplicate title form over to the post office. (Driving kind of hurt.) Now I’m back and I took acetaminophen and will lie down for a little while after I eat.

My therapist emailed me back and said that she’s glad that I’m safe (I missed our session yesterday) and to enjoy my Italy trip. I’m glad that she responded.

I'm going through a hassle with Pacsafe, who made my travel backpack. I can't get one of the locking zippers open. I did get the main compartment open at least. I need to take it to Michigan with me.

Took a nap and slept until 4:30 AM. Fuck. I have homework to get done. I think that I'll call in sick which is not a lie because I'm feeling dizzy.

therapist, sleep, life coach, italy, yoga, work, travel, clothes, mom's car

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