Lawn Mower and Mom's House Renovation Hassles

May 06, 2024 22:38

Oh crap. Now they're saying that the mower will get here on Wednesday. That will give me very little time to mow. Crap. And I can't take time off because I need all my vacation time for the Italy trip. Maybe I could take some time off Friday afternoon and make it up in the evening.

I bought a protection plan for the new mower because I don't trust it.

Zara said that she’ll make things better by giving me head-bonks. Good job, Zara.

I am so screwed. Now they said that the mower will come on next Monday, when I’ll be gone. I called them and they said that if no one signs for the order, it will go back. Meanwhile, I tried to get it from Walmart, but I didn’t have enough money in my account to buy it twice. I’m transferring some money, but that will take a couple of days. Shit. FedEx still says that it will get here on Wednesday. I can only hope.

The real estate guy for my mom's house keeps on adding things that weren't in our agreement for the work to be done. I protested and he took some of the cost off, but I wish that he wouldn't do that.

Had my first tai chi class. I’m moving way too fast :) It went well though, and the people are very friendly and all introduced themselves.

Mimi: Mommy, you LEFT without FEEDING US. BAD! Actually, I did feed them before I left, so I got conned :)

I worked on some slides for a shared slide desk for work while I can work on them when no one else is. I need to work on my final, but I think that I'll get up early to work on it. Maybe I can duck out a little early on Wednesday to catch up on the time.

zara, lawn mower, mom's house, classes, work, tai chi, mimi

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