
May 04, 2024 05:39

I was sitting in the kitchen to cool off. Zara and Mimi were going, “How can you just sit there when we’re hungry??” Eventually I got up and fed them.

I bought a sweater drying rack so that I can wash my new sweater to take it to Minneapolis with me. It’s colder there than here. I need to figure out more business casual outfits, which means that I need to unpack some boxes. I need to find my tweed blazers. That would be a good “hot evening” task. My life coach is right. I need to figure out what to do when. I started doing that.

Washed out Mimi’s carrier. Now I know why her carrier smelled so bad; she pooped in there. I got it smelling sweet, but it took some work. I put it upstairs. It’s still so hot upstairs that my chest hurts.

Snuggled with Zara and got to bed earlish. Went back to sleep twice in the morning and didn't take my morning shower. I must have needed the sleep.

It's okay upstairs now. It's supposed to go up to only 74F, so I should be able to get some mowing done.

The cats clearly like my cranking the a/c downstairs, but it’s running all the time and it’s downright cold, so I need to adjust the setting up. Actually it’s pretty good at 69F.

Took Mimi to the vet. She was sleeping when I got her into the carrier, which helped, although she tried to get out. She was good at the vet. I made a dental appointment for Zara on the 23rd, dropping her off the night before.

Hmm. I’m feeling really tired. Maybe I should nap and get up really early tomorrow to mow.

There is a window air conditioner upstairs that I should try before buying a new one. (I still want one that also has heat, but if I can wait until after the Italy trip, it would help.) I just ordered an extension cord from Walmart and some other stuff to make it a decent-sized order. I also ordered a reusable lawn and leaf bag to use with the compost bin, which I need to assemble.

Napped and woke up at 5 AM after an elaborate dream about the guy in Canada that I had liked. The cats are hungry and Mimi is talkative.

weather, tired, mimi, zara, jamie, house, travel, clothes

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