Oh Well

Apr 25, 2024 22:00

Well, I got a good night’s sleep anyway. The TA popped up at 7:30 AM, this morning, but I went back to sleep. Mimi Complaint Department is complaining. She wanted lap time. Now she's snoozing in a sunbeam.

Apparently there was a frost last night, but I didn't bring the plants in. I hope that they're okay. (I checked, and the dill looks okay.) I forgot to mention yesterday that I ordered an electric weed wacker to come on Friday. My compost bin is probably "lost in the mail" (How do you lose a compost bin? It should be big), so I'll have to cancel the order and order a new one (done).

Had my meeting with the life coach, and we discussed what I need to get done over the weekend.

I didn't do great on the algorithms (math) test, but at least it's over.

I had my appointment with the therapist. I said that I was feeling fatalistic about my classes, but she said that she thought that I was being realistic about them.

Yeah, I bombed out on the test. Sigh. Now my grade in the algorithms (math) class is lower than my grade in the programming class.

I got my spireas. They’re huge!

Tried to nap but couldn’t sleep.

Mimi has been clinging to me today. She amused my life coach, who said that she was beautiful. She wants a lot of lap time, maybe to make up the time that I missed when I was at the meetings.

Placed a grocery order for tomorrow morning.

Finished a project for work. I'll be happy when I won't have to make up time in the evenings. Started laundry.

I think that I'll do dishes and scoop cat boxes. etc., and go to bed early.

therapist, sleep, weather, classes, life coach, mimi, chores, work, garden

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