Busy Busy

Apr 17, 2024 23:57

forestofdreams' (on DW) entries about her Japan cruise got me thinking about a cruise to Japan. I found one that I really like.

I started buying bearded irises for the iris-peony bed. I bought a yellow-red one that I really like and some purple ones. Hmm, an article that I read said that peonies planted in the spring lag a year behind ones planted in the fall. That's okay. I'm not going anywhere.

I'm thinking that I might not have time for a vegetable garden this year. I have tons of stuff to do on the house.

I overslept this morning. Logged on a little late for work.

Oh good. No rain predicted today.

I looked at tomato cages for the cherry tomato plant. Found one on Amazon, but I might need a larger pot for it (ordered).

Mimi is flaked out in a sunbeam. I'm surprised that it isn't too hot for her. Though actually, it's only 70F. Not too bad. Now she's on my lap. She's shedding gobs of fur. I need to get the brush out, but I have to figure out what I did with the brush.

I'm getting a steady stream of invoices from the handyman for Mom's house. It means that they're working but sigh.

Oh excellent. I got the fan. I set it up and I really like it. It's perfect and sends cool air to me. I think that it will help a lot. And it is quiet. I need to have screens made for the windows so that I can open them at night (if I can because the windows don't have brackets for screens I think). And get blackout curtains for them (though that would make Mimi sad because she loves the back window). Dad said to put a window A/C in. There is one that got left in a closet upstairs, but I don't know if it works or not.

I'm getting busy at work.

Oh! My garbage people will pick up yard waste! That takes the pressure off of me. (I need to separate the leaves from the branches that I picked up.) Though I ordered a rotating composter for a lot of my yard waste. It should get here on Friday. Save the planet! Lowe's sells compost for the new garden beds.

I have an onsite staff meeting Tuesday and Wednesday next week, so I'll contact the tree guy after that.

Got the recycling out. Received my hose and watering wand. Oops, I missed a bottle for recycling.

Ugh. Our final project for my programming class is hard. I'm going to be busy this weekend. We have to provide our design, so I need to mull it over before writing something up. I attended a discussion about the project, which ran long but was helpful. I also watched a video about the project.

Went to pay my mom's mortgage, which is on automatic payment, but her account ran low on funds, but her loan company has two-factor authentication to her email address, which was on Comcast, so it no longer exists. I need to call them tomorrow. Tried to pay her electric bill, but the Web site was undergoing maintenance. Paid her gas bill.

Need to crash.

sleep, weather, mom's house, classes, japan, mimi, chores, money, work, travel, garden, dad

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