Apr 13, 2024 00:18
I had problems falling asleep last night. As a consequence, I'm tired this morning. I handwashed some socks and underwear in case I don't make it to my mom's house to do laundry because I'm planning to lie down after work.
I was in a wrangle with Short Story because I forgot to change the address and they shipped the box to Michigan. Well, it arrived today, so I can take it back with me. Yay.
Finished my project at work. Go me.
I was thinking about a time when I was working as a tech writer in Silicon Valley, and my grandmother got sick and died right before we were due to release a product. I said to myself, "I'll get everything done, but no one will probably like how I do it," and that was right on. This is another of those times.
Ran errands over lunch. Got my check from the trust for house-related expenses and deposited it at the bank. Picked up the all-important caffeinated soda and some munchies. Picked up my Short Story box from Mom's house.
I want to nap. Well, more than nap; I want to cocoon. The Marriott bed is a good place for cocooning. And I have books to read. And it's been raining since yesterday morning. I think that I'll stay in tonight and get up early to run a couple of errands and start on the stuff left in Mom's house.
I was right that I was going to crash out. I went to sleep at 7 PM, woke up at 11, and went back to sleep and woke up at 12:45 AM. And I'm going to go back to sleep. I hope this means that I'll get an early start.