Endless Pools?

Mar 25, 2024 22:15

If I like the Aerogarden, I might get a second one for cherry tomatoes. Or cooking herbs for the winter.

I'm now thinking of getting a new electric lawn mower rather than dealing with the one that I haven't gotten to work. I found a small, fairly cheap one that gets decent reviews.

Cool. Burnalong has a decluttering class that I want to take.

So sleepy this morning. I thought that I had a meeting with my professor today, but it's tomorrow.

I've decided to put my herb garden in pots on the porch. I need to go back to the storage unit to get more pots.

I’m getting pretty good about turning off lights, computers, etc., when I’m not using them. But the Aerogarden is on all day.

I was looking at Endless Pools. (They are small pools with a current, so that you can swim laps without going anywhere.) I’d want one indoors though, so I’d need an extension on the house. No time soon though. I wonder if I could get a home equity loan for one. I could use the pool room as a sunroom too and put my orchids in there. I found a company called Sunshine Rooms that creates aluminum sunrooms.

I decided that I should put in wall-hanging bookcase shelves upstairs. They would fit my space and would be cheaper than having bookcases built. I found some on Bed, Bath, and Beyond that would work well. I need a "stud finder" to proceed.

I've been emailing Dad about lawn mowers, hanging pictures on the slated walls upstairs, and saving up for home renovations. He had good suggestions.

I was bringing stuff from the wicker chest in the guest room downstairs. I have bedding to bring upstairs.

My Asian art posters look great in the warm bathroom. I need to get a new frame for one of them because the backing has curled. And I want to put various figurines on the bookcase in there. I also found a poster of the Alhambra that I want to put in there.

My money tree has resurrected itself. It looks nice in the window.

I decided to read Jan Morris’ The World of Venice next. It’s good. The Road Scholars have a good reading list.

I dropped off the FedEx items that I was returning. Went to the grocery store and got potatoes, chives, and sour cream (and dessert and soda). Came home and put clothes in the dryer. Wrote some Italian flashcards. Put sweaters away in my closet. Wrestled the air mattress down in the basement. Soaked a litter box.

Oh crud. I forgot about my TA’s Office Hours tonight.

I had a sour-cream-and-chive potato, and oh, was it delicious. I have to get more.

I’m going to finish tidying the kitchen and then go to bed.

home decor, organizing, venice, lawn mower. decluttering, pool, plants, furniture, money, exercise, garden, dad, classes, errands, book, chores, italy, food

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