Organizer Day 2

Mar 12, 2024 19:46

I found a utility cabinet for brooms, mops, etc. and cleaning supplies.

Well, hell. The rack from which to hang pots isn’t going to work. Apparently, there is a wall behind the drywall. Too bad; I like how the racks look.

I got my “Please don’t let the cats out” sign. I tried to put a nail into the siding and then the door to hang it, but it wouldn't go through. I finally just hung it on the knob for the door.

The organizers are ALMOST done with the kitchen. They're doing a good job, but sheesh, it's taking a long time. They convinced me to part with a lot of stuff, and most of my stuff fits in the kitchen. We're going to tackle the bathroom/laundry room next, which I have been working in, but could use help putting up the shelves over the washer and dryer.

My annoying neighbor is annoying. He came back again to talk about the tree, and I told him that he was rude last time talking to me while I was on the phone, and that I didn't want to talk to him. I told him that I know of the problem with the tree, and I'll get to it when I get to it. He wanted me to go look at the tree with him, and I said no, I have people over. Sheesh. Then apparently he went after the young woman who was one of the organizers, but she told him that she didn't live here.

Tried to nap but couldn’t sleep. That’s good because it means that I’m catching up on my sleep. Zara is down for the count. I shifted in bed and she didn’t even twitch.

I’m trying to work up the energy to work on the bathroom. I’m turning into my mom, who said that she couldn’t get anything done after dark. I'm going to feed the cats and go get ready for bed.

Mimi has a favorite chair upstairs.

sleep, organizer, mimi, zara, chores, neighbor, furniture, house

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