Tired Day

Feb 16, 2024 00:47

I’m feeling really hammered this morning. And the forecasters are predicting snow. Yep, it's snowing.

A plant that I thought had died is sending out green shoots. I guess that I need to water it and see what happens.

I'm in class and discussing a proof, and the guys in the class are completely ignoring what I'm saying (and making the problems more complicated). Sigh.

The snow stopped, thank goodness. My hands are ice cold though. I'm wondering about the circulation in them.

There was credit card fraud on one of my credit cards. Sigh. I wonder how they got the card number, but I did use it at a gas station.

I was going to run to the vet to get the record of shots and flea meds, but I'm having some major IBS symptoms, so I'll go when I'm running errands over lunch. I need to lie down for a while before going back to work.

I took a nap and woke up at midnight. I’m going to start laundry (done), do dishes (done), and go back to sleep to get up early to make up my work time.

weather, tired, classes, sick, errands, chores, plants, aargh, work

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