Mimi was complaining loudly that I had the bathroom door closed while I was taking a shower. Unfair to cats! I might have been doing something interesting in there. Once I opened the door, she decided that what I was doing was not interesting and she went away. She's a goof.
I think that I will adopt one other cat. If the new cat seems to be lonely, then I'll adopt another young cat. I don't know how friendly Zara and Mimi will be.
Mimi is down to nine pounds! I called the vet to get a prescription for flea meds, and that's what they said. That concerns me. I have been trying to get her to lose some weight, but that's a lot. (She used to be 12 pounds.) She looks good though.
Hmm. I fell in love with a
gray nightstand on sale. It said that it’ll ship over the weekend that I’ll be in Urbana, so should I have it shipped there? Maybe I could give a key to my friend/colleague Debbie in case something goes wrong. I ordered it. I also fell in love with a
wooden cabinet by the same company (they make “Bohemian-styled” furniture), but it isn’t on sale and will take five to six weeks to be shipped. The cabinet will also solve the problem of where to put my winter hats, scarves, and gloves. Actually, I kind of like
this cabinet too. I’m still not certain about coffee tables. I want the living room to look like I picked up nifty stuff from my travels, even if I didn't pick some of the stuff up traveling! So folk art kind of pieces is good. And I'll put either my globe or mom's globe in there.
I think that I've decided on a rug for the bedroom. The duvet and sheets that I bought but haven't used yet are black and white striped. My Mom's bed is dark bronze--almost black with curlicues and other decorations. My dresser is painted gray. I have a silver lamp, and want to buy the gray nightstand and
gray dresser. (The dresser will have to wait until I get the money from the estate sale.) I think that a
white faux fur rug would look good. I wanted something softer because the bedclothes are kind of tailored. I ordered it. And once I get the dresser, I think that I want a
sunburst wall mirror to go over the new dresser. And put my
ponytail palm in the front window. I created a
Pinterest board to put all these items together plus some posters that I'm taking from Mom's house. I don't have a picture of my current dresser, but it's an old sturdy dresser painted dark gray with white handles. It'll look cheap compared to the rest of the items, but it'll do for now. I think that the bedroom will look fabulous, really. And I think Mom would love what I'm doing with her stuff.
I looked at Crate and Barrel, but the prices are a little steep for me. And I'm tired of looking at bookcases that were obviously designed by people who don't own books. Books would fall out the side of a lot of them.
I attended an office hours by my algorithms TA, which is always helpful. Now I need to work on homework. I finally pulled myself away from redecorating and worked on homework, but my brain went into vapor lock partway through, so I need to get up early and finish.