If you're not part of the solution you're part of the precipitate

Jan 22, 2024 22:49

A solution for my program DID pop into my mind as I was falling asleep. I need to try it tonight.

I kept on waking up last night too. I hope that this isn't the new normal. Mom said that I will need to get up to use the washroom, which I did.

I forgot to pick my BistroMD meals. Drat. It looks like I got my new-to-me coat, hat, scarf, and gloves. Timely because they're predicting snow AND ice today. Good thing that I'm not planning to go anywhere, although I need to take out the garbage. Person selling my snow boots, please ship them soon! They must have heard me because they just shipped them.

Knowing that I'm going to get the help that I need for my classes is making me happy.

Had a nice nap over lunch.

I got the Mercari jeans, but my main card isn't working on the site. I need to call PNC and ask why.

My TA was very helpful in going through the homework. He said that I shouldn’t feel the need to guess on homework but should ask him a question. I wasn’t sure how much help he could give on the homework.

Had a little snuggle time with Mimi. The weather forecasters say that snow flurries should stop in 23 minutes. I guess that I’ll get the garbage together but wait to take it out. Got the garbage and recycling out. It isn’t snowing or raining right now.

I had to wrap up something for work, so I didn't get a chance to work on my program. Oh well. I want to get to sleep soon.

sleep, weather, classes, mimi, mom, food, work, clothes

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