Odds and Ends

Dec 03, 2023 21:36

I do have a couple of boxes that the organizer wanted me to go through, so I’m not quite really done (but we had the last organizing session). My next task will be packing up my stuff for the movers.

Woke up at 9AM. Zara is checking out the rearranged bedroom.

Zara’s meds fell in the sink and melted. I have more meds, but I can’t find the pill splitter. Kroger has one, and I was planning to go there today anyway.

I’m about to take a nap, and Mimi is lying on my hip. I started singing, and Mimi was meowing back :)

It’s a dark and gloomy day. Both Mimi and Zara are asleep. No, Zara got up for food. She’s now lying on the wingback chair in the dining room, which is her new spot after I cleaned it off.

Canceled BistroMD for next week and contacted the pet sitter. I decided that I want to take another nap, but I brought up clothes so that I can jump in the shower afterward.

Got my lazy butt into the shower. Started my FAFSA (financial aid form for school) to give time for my hair to dry, but Firefox was hanging, and I didn't know my password to use Edge. I reset my password using challenge questions, and now I have to wait 30 minutes before logging in. Sigh. Okay, I completed my FAFSA form and my hair is just a little damp.

I found the pill splitter and have food, so I’m not going out after all. I’ll stay in the warm.

I opened some packages that came while I was gone. I got my new scale, which should make my diet coach happy. I got my gratitude jar. I got my gloves, which are less important now that we found a basket of gloves upstairs.

I finished the Streisand book. It was good.

I’m trying to decide what to do now. I think that I’ll put on pajamas so that I can wash the clothes that I have on (done). Then I’ll write a note to include in my friend Lance’s Christmas card and write out the cards (done--I need to make more friends in Champaign-Urbana). I'll mail them tomorrow. I think that I'm going to go to bed now.

christmas, sleep, mom's house, mimi, zara, book, school, travel

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