Last Day in Champaign

Nov 22, 2023 23:37

I was looking into massage therapy places near my mom's house. I should schedule a massage for mid-December.

I fell asleep with my clothes on again. So tired. Woke up at 5 AM.

I bought a new scale because my old one was giving wacky readings. I also bought a "sweater blazer" that I had been eyeing at Land's End for 50% off. Can't have too many blazers!

I took a nap and woke up again at 7:30 and got up. Now I'm working, but cool, they're letting us leave at 2 today.

Mom is on my mind today. It will be my first Thanksgiving without her, but we usually didn't spend Thanksgiving together anyway. Christmas will be harder. I had thought of watching Home for the Holidays, which takes place during Thanksgiving, when I get back to Michigan, but I'm sure that's one of the DVDs I chose to keep. Mom loved that movie. When the two sisters are fighting, it reminded her so much of her fighting with her sister that she kept on hitting my arm :)

The zipper on the Jeans That I Hate broke. Given that I hate them, no big loss, but I was going to wear them while I did laundry.

I almost forgot that I have a session with the life coach. I don't know what we'll talk about, but she usually thinks of something. We talked about setting dates for my move of my stuff from storage and the move of Mom's stuff that I'm keeping. All the other dates cascade from that. We also discussed my list of people to contact with changed dates.

I DoorDashed a poke bowl and a hot Earl Grey tea with milk and sugar. The tea was quite good. Actually, I'm craving another one. But I just convinced myself not to get one.

The office of my therapist sent me a zillion forms to fill out, which I did. I couldn’t remember Dad’s cell phone number (we usually email), but it was on my phone. I also emailed the therapist and told her that my date for being back in Urbana has moved two to three weeks forward.

Talked to the diet coach. I’m trying to find something to DoorDash that has vegetables but am having no luck.

Took a nap. Ate the rest of my poke bowl.

Ran to Best Buy and picked up an SD card reader. It hit me that I can modify the new house any way that I want, so I looked at Nest thermostats, doorbells, and cams and Ring doorbells and cams. I'm going to have a lot of fun fixing up the place the way that I want it. I need to find a handyman to help me with fixing the place up.

Went to Meijer and picked up soda, oatmeal, and some frozen Shrimp Scampi for later. I'm telling myself that it has spinach and tomatoes in it, so it must be okay :)
Now I'm resting for a minute and then will start laundry. I poked around an interior design site and it said that I liked a "classic" style with clean lines and minimal clutter. The "minimal clutter" will be the hard part!

I just ordered a ton of Kindle books. I ordered Barbra Streisand's autobiography (thank you, shadowkat), and the "you might also like" led me to Anderson Cooper's book about the Astors, which led me to Anderson Cooper's book about the Vanderbilts and a historical novel about one of the Astors. I won't lack for reading material.

Hmm. I can't stop yawning, but I wanted to do laundry tonight, so I started it. (I'm leaving tomorrow.) I suppose that I could start packing my stuff up too.

Hmm. I'm looking at January 8th for moving my stuff from storage to the new house. But when will I have it painted? Should I stay in a hotel in Urbana for the first week of January? And I'm looking at January 15th (if the movers don't have a holiday) for the movers to take my stuff from Michigan. I'd be out of the house by the end of the week. Then the estate sale can happen.

Now I'm wondering if the living room in the new place should be sage green. I have some time to think about it. I'm mulling over slipcovers for my mom's Pottery Barn loveseat and chair. I found one in gray with a kind of greenish tinge that I kind of like. I need to order swatches.

The clothes are in the dryer. The really nice guy who works the front desk in the evening asked me if I wanted some coffee before he put it away. I said "No," but thanked him for asking. He wished me a Happy Thanksgiving, and I told him that I would be driving, and he said that he hoped that I'd get a chance to rest.

Waffle House is on my list for tomorrow. My life coach and I were discussing Waffle House. She lives in Florida, and she said that if Waffle House closes during a hurricane, it's time to worry.

therapist, sleep, shopping, massage, tired, life coach, errands, book, move, mom, food, weight loss, work, house, clothes

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