My One Day Back

Nov 13, 2023 22:43

Got my clothes for the day together. Requested a refill on one of my meds. Submitted a Kroger order and Amazon order. Zara wants food!

My work computer is being annoying and not connecting to the Internet. Sigh. It turned out that I needed to reboot the router.

So sleepy today. And I have lots of meetings.

I contacted a mover for the stuff from the Urbana house. I'm trying to make appointments to see houses on Saturday.

The refill on my meds went to Lincoln. It was only for a seven-day supply, but when I called the doctor's office, I couldn't get through. I guess that I'll have to see someone up here. Le sigh. No, the number on their Internet page was wrong, so I called. I hope that it gets filled tomorrow.

Took a nap and slept for three hours. I was tired! Had strange dreams. I was planning to have a child, so I was looking for ways to introduce them to computers. Then I dreamed about a guy that I thought about dating, but I decided that he was too much of a player. Then I woke up :)

Just booked a hotel in Champaign with laundry facilities (Extended Stay America). Zara wants food again. Speaking of laundry, I need to do a load after I feed the hordes. I bought the nail polish that they used at the spa. Placed a Meijer order because I forgot to get oatmeal.

Started laundry. I'm feeling tired again, so I think that I'll go to sleep and pack in the morning. I'm leaving for Urbana tomorrow.

c-u, sleep, meds, beauty, zara, chores, work, dream

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