With This Ring, I Me Wed

Oct 19, 2023 22:31

Woke up with my alarm and got dishes done before my shower. The power washing guy isn’t here, but it’s supposed to rain today. Okay, now he's here.

Had technical difficulties and was late to a meeting. Oh well.

The roofer guy came (while I was in my meeting with the life coach)! He said that the roof in the front part of the house and the garage needs to be replaced, which is more-or-less what I figured. He's working on an estimate. The power washing is almost done and the house looks great!

The life coach helped me figure out what I need to do for the Hawaii trip plus on the house. She said that I didn't give myself rewards enough, given that I'm getting so much done. I need to think about that.

I tried to nap over lunch, but couldn't sleep. Mimi wanted to lie on me, so we had difficulties. But I still couldn't sleep after she got off.

Talked to my weight-loss coach. She suggested drinking water with Crystal Light, which I'll try. I just submitted a grocery order with Crystal Light in it.

I bought myself a wedding ring! One of my solo travel sites recommended wearing a wedding ring when women travel solo, which is not a bad idea. But I wanted something pretty, so I found a rose gold one that wasn't too horribly expensive.

I've decided what to do right after work. My life coach suggested exercising, but I need some down time after work. I've decided to read after work both as a treat and also for self-improvement. I've loaded up on Kindle books and will read for an hour each day.

I’m setting up the new laptop. It’s small but mighty. I love it. Right now, it’s updating. Once my files are copied and the battery charged, I’m just going to pack the new laptop and continue to use the old one. Windows did not copy my files over, so I'm backing up my files on the old laptop and will port them over.

The Crystal Light is good. Note to self: ask the organizer where the Brita pitcher went. Found it.

I can't find my reef-safe suntan lotion, so I need to order more. Also couldn't find the waterproof housing for the GoPro, so I'm ordering a new one. I had a box of camera stuff that I can't find. I'll have to ask the organizer about it. Losing stuff after we "organize" kind of sucks, but I don't see a way around it.

I think that I have Semagic set up on the new laptop, so I'm going to test it with this post.

kauai, mom's house, lj, organizer, life coach, mimi, jewelry, chores, water, laptop, dw, reading, weight loss, work

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