Mass Quantities of Laundry

Oct 15, 2023 23:46

My strategy with eBay is if I find something that I like, I wishlist it, and often the sellers will give a discount. It worked for the blue tweed blazer that I wanted.

Woke up around 8 AM. Selected my BistroMD meals. Started a load of laundry. Got boxes for the packing person. Had a good petting session with Mimi. Found my missing pair of glasses; they were on the floor in the bedroom. I don't regret ordering more though.

Took a short nap. OMG, there are more pictures in the other dresser in my room. Crud. The packing tape order that I placed was delayed. I just placed an order at Mejier for more tape. I want the packing person to pack up all the pictures in my room. Plus, I need to pack up the clothes that I'm returning.

Oh okay. I have a hair appointment next Sunday, and I had the thought in the shower that the organizer scheduled for that Sunday, but it was the following weekend.

Oh. The packer is having car trouble, so she wanted to reschedule. And I started my Italian homework, but Italian isn't until next week. I am confused :) Scheduling stuff is a pain. Oh good, the pet sitter confirmed for my Kauai trip.

Zara wants lunch! Now! I’m making my lunch too. I got up to order a book for the Kindle called Honest Aging, mentioned in the Washington Post, and both girls got excited because why would I get up except to feed them? They're charmingly self-centered. I fed them.

Crud. I put clothes in the dryer, and it was making a weird noise. I might have to replace it sooner rather than later. And I put a load in the wash, and I'm almost out of detergent, so I placed a Kroger order too. I also ordered blue dress pants to go with the blazer and blue top.

Got the tape. Yay. I’m practicing guitar and my chords are going better.

I booked a cleaner for Friday. Ordered more boxes. Urgh, I have a headache, but I've been practicing voice. I think that I need to power through. Okay, I've got my song memorized. Back to guitar. I'm getting hungry.

My music teacher was nice to reschedule me for a half-hour later. I told her that it wasn’t necessary this week because no Italian, but she decided to stick with the time.

Oh no! I lost my voicemail when I switched phones, including voicemails from mom! I need to see if I can get them back.

Music lessons went well. I have a bunch of homework, and I'm learning a new song as well. I need to order more guitar picks (done). We're also having an issue with printing off one of the books that we're using. I bought an electronic version of the book, but it will let me print it only three times. I'm thinking that I should go to Kinko's and print the whole 280 pages off.

Zara wants food. I thought that she was trying to con me, but she’s right, I didn’t give them dinner. (I can tell because her pill is in the pill splitter.) So I’ll feed them and take a short nap. I’m doing mass quantities of laundry because I want to start packing for Hawaii.

I reminded my Italian/French teacher that the lesson tomorrow should be French, and she said "perfect- perfetto-parfait :). So I guess that we've got the schedule worked out.

Tried to nap but couldn’t sleep. Gathered up clothes to pack. I'm getting a crashing headache, so I think that I'll go to sleep and do stuff in the morning.

french, mom's house, italian, headache, mom, singing, kauai, guitar, shopping, mimi, book, zara, chores, clothes, travel, voice, music theory

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