My Inner Stevie Nicks

Oct 03, 2023 23:15

I had my session with the life coach. As usual, she keeps me sane and organized. I asked her how to work exercise into my schedule, and we decided that I would work out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to start after work. (She tells me not to get too ambitious, but make doable plans.) I also have a plan for doing stuff on the house.

I was ( Read more... )

kauai, mom's house, life coach, dare to dream, house, travel, mom's car, exercise

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Comments 2

ragnarok_08 October 4 2023, 13:37:07 UTC
Glad you had a nice meeting with the life coach :)


days_unfolding October 5 2023, 06:00:23 UTC

Thanks. She's good.


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