Refurbished iPhone?

Sep 26, 2023 21:22

Bought a few more pairs of 16P jeans. Paid my Comcast bill (in Urbana). Got laundry going. Requested that my CVS prescriptions be sent to me.

I seem to be losing weight around my middle, which is good because it's the "bad" fat, but I haven't lost much weight off of my boobs. Size XL jackets are still not fitting well. Oh well.

My second monitor for work wasn't working. I unplugged and replugged in the cable, nothing. Finally, I turned the docking station off and on--and it came up. It's going to be a weird day.

I added a flight to my Italy trip, but the debit card wouldn't let me pay the whole amount remaining for the trip. So I'm doing $2000 at a time. Kind of a pain, but whatever.

I've got two TaskRabbit guys coming on Friday to get the table, move the stepper downstairs, and put garbage in the dumpster.

I started looking at a trip to Colorado. Damn, hotels in Denver are expensive. Found a couple that might work. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do in Denver. I found a hotel in Glenwood Springs, the town that I liked.

The bad dumpster company is offering me one-half what I paid back. I think that it's the best that I'm going to get from them, but I'm not going to say that to them.

I looked into Comcast as a mobile provider, but someone said that they use Verizon towers and that Verizon throttles data access. Hmm. As I recall, though, AT&T didn't have great coverage here. Comcast does have a good price and international access for $10/day. I might give them a shot. I talked to them, and they would have to ship the phone to Illinois. Bah. Hmm. I can get a refurbished unlocked iPhone 14 for a good price on eBay. I need to think about this. I sent an email to Erik to get his take.

I started going through books in the plant room, which is the fun part of my homework. I got quite a stack because Mom had a bunch of picture books about Italy and Provence.

Headache. Need to lie down for a while. Couldn't sleep.

Hmm. If I want to write my app (my independent study project for next summer) for the iPhone instead of Android, I'd need a MacBook. The fun never stops. It might make more sense to get a cheap Android phone to test the app.

I think that I'm going to put laundry in the dryer and go to bed.

mom's house, programming, headache, phone, chores, italy, colorado, weight loss, work, clothes

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