One More Room (Almost) Done

Sep 24, 2023 20:27

Sam's Club said that the stepper and Total Gym will arrive by Friday, so I need to get the table out before then. The dumpster arrives on Monday. Maybe Wednesday?

Zara really wants me to feed her before I go to bed. Not happening. I think that she ate Mimi's food twice when Mimi was sleeping.

I woke up with my phone and alarm and alarm clock at 8. (My alarm clock was already set to 8.) I decided to go back to sleep for an hour and overslept by a half-hour. I jammed to get myself presentable for the organizers.

The organizers have come and gone. We almost finished the plant room. (What a simple sentence to write, but so much work!) It's an amazing change. I have "homework". I'm wondering if I should take a personal day to catch up. Thursday looks like the best day. I could go to AT&T also.

I went upstairs, and when I came down, two pairs of eyes were staring intently at me. Yes, the cats' lunch was late :) Mine too.

Moved the cars and wrote "Put dumpster here" on the driveway in chalk. I hope that helps.

I forgot to schedule guitar and singing lessons for this week. I suck. But I'm kind of glad because I'd like to lie down for a while. And yes, I scheduled them starting next week. Tried to nap but couldn't sleep.

There is a conversation about waterproof shoes in one of the solo travel Facebook groups. I'd like a pair for Hawaii for walking around tide pools and such, but I haven't found a wide width yet. Sigh. Actually I found some waterproof hiking boots with good traction, and Hawaii mud is the slipperiest stuff. My dad slipped and fell on a trail when it was raining with a cliff on one side. Luckily he slipped down the trail. When we got out of the rain, he found that even the money in his wallet was soaked. Hmm, I should get a waterproof bag for the camera. It rains a lot there. Mount Waiʻaleʻale has been deemed one of the wettest spots on Earth.

I'm now thinking that I will do some hiking on Kauai. I need to get in shape for Italy!

Crud. I tried to log into my SkyMiles account, but didn't remember the password. I tried to reset my password, and it said that the info didn't match their records, even though it was correct. So now I need to call them tomorrow morning. Got my BistroMD meals picked out.

I'm going to do some dishes and start a load of laundry and go to sleep. I have a lot that I want to get done before work tomorrow.

kauai, singing, guitar, sleep, mom's house, organizer, mimi, zara, chores, online, clothes, exercise

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