Down Under 200!

Sep 21, 2023 23:24

I woke up after a dream about a Canadian guy I had a thing for years ago. It made me wonder if he ever dreams about me. (It was a possible dating relationship stymied by distance. But who knows what would have happened.)

Yo-yo weather. It's supposed to get up to 80F today.

Woo-hoo! I'm down under 200 pounds for the first time since the pandemic! The food that I'm getting is expensive, but it's working.

My session with the life coach was good. She convinced me to get only two vaccines this week so that I don't wipe myself out.

Yay! I've got a dumpster. They will call me back with the delivery date, which might be tomorrow, but they're not sure. No, it's going to be Monday. Oh well. I ordered some sidewalk chalk from Amazon and plan to write "Place dumpster here" for no ambiguity.

Took a nap after work and overslept. I woke up at 10:30, swore because I thought that it was morning and I overslept work, and then looked out the window and saw darkness.

Given that it's so late, my plan is to scrub the litter box and start a load of laundry. Oh, and do dishes. Ugh. Now that I ate dinner, I feel like I need to go to sleep right now. I'll get up a little early to get things done.

This weekend, I need to write the people giving the Maui tours I had signed up for and let them know that I'm not coming.

maui, chores, sleep, jamie, weight loss, weather, mom's house

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