Organizer Day

Sep 16, 2023 21:00

Ugh. I had my alarm set for 7 AM, woke up, and decided to go back to sleep for an hour.

I was looking at new Italian teachers because mine is stopping teaching. I found a few possibilities. His timing is bad for me given that I'm going to Italy next year.

I looked at iPhones at Verizon because it's cheaper than AT&T, but they don't have the purple iPhone, and the phones won't be available for a couple of weeks. Oops, AT&T doesn't have the purple phone after all. And it won't be available for a couple of weeks. But the phone is cheaper with a trade-in.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I booked flights back and forth to Chicago for my Hawaii trip.

The organizer and her assistant have come and gone. We got most of my mom's bedroom done, which was a major undertaking. Her assistant got all the glassware out of the plant room. I have some "homework": get the dumpster situation settled, get an estate sale person in here, and go through a couple of boxes in my mom's bedroom. Our next session is on Sunday, which precludes setting up an Italian session, but we're going back to Saturday the following week.

I'm making lunch right now (and Zara is reminding me to feed her!), and then I'll drive to the bike shop to drop off the turn signals that I got from eBay.

Made it to the bike shop (thank you, phone GPS). I indulged in a donut because I really, really wanted one. It's eating a box of them is the problem.

I was wearing my points of a compass t-shirt, jeans, and a jean jacket, and I thought that I looked pretty good :)

Nap time. Mimi is vegging/snoozing (hard to tell the difference!) next to me. Couldn't sleep. I usually can tell within a few minutes whether I can sleep or not. Maybe I'll just go to bed early.

The person who owns the Urbana house asked to talk to me tomorrow for "a favor," and I'm curious what that's about.

Oh, I forgot to mention (so much is happening right now!) that I got the new laptop. I think that I'll go set it up after I move some of Mom's clothes from my room to the bed in her room. And I need to make an appointment with a TaskRabbit person to pack up her remaining clothes.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I looked under my mom's bed. It's not so bad. A couple of boxes of papers, a box of my grandmother's things, and some cassette tapes that I need to ask the estate sale person about. I'll see how far I'll get on them this week. I'd like to be done with that room. Oh, I also moved some of Mom's clothes from my room to her bedroom, and found a pretty scarf and a hat that looks good on me, and requested a TaskRabbit person for a week from tomorrow to pack up her clothes. (She accepted the job.) One of my tasks for this week is to separate my clothes from her clothes and wash any clothes that have been lying around. If I'm really ambitious, I'll go through Mom's scarves and shawls. (There are a lot of them!)

I went upstairs and finished going through my mom's "memory box". I can go to sleep with a good sense of accomplishment!

kauai, sleep, mom's house, bicycle, hawaii, italian, mimi, phone, zara, laptop, food, house, clothes

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