
Sep 11, 2023 20:39

I woke up from my nap at 5 AM. I want breakfast, although it will make me less hungry for Dim Sum. It occurred to me that I could go to the Pinecrest, which is open 24 hours. I could have a breakfast sandwich, which won't fill me up too much.

I did go to the Pinecrest. On the way, there was a guy collapsed on the ground--I saw him nodding off early--and I was wondering if he was okay. But he was sitting up when I came back.

Okay, my stuff is packed, and I've checked in for my flights. Now I have time to kill. Tried lying down, but I can't sleep. I hope that means that I will sleep on the flight tonight. Texted with Erik about meeting him later.

I checked out of the hotel at 11. Erik came by at 12. He has an electric car, so we got in a discussion of the pros and cons. (He loves it.) He also almost sold me on an iPhone. He's one of the people whom I really listen to. We had a great time catching up and pigged out on Dim Sum. We ordered too much :) Afterward, we walked around in Aquatic Park, where I had been planning to go. He dropped me back at the hotel. I've been reading books on my Kindle. I'm reading an interesting book on the importance of having a quest, The Happiness of Pursuit. I can't think of any quests that I'm on except posting to LJ and DW every day.

I'm charging my phone in the "Business Center" at the hotel. I'd like to be able to use it for my boarding pass, although I did print off the boarding passes here.

Hmm, now I'm looking at electric cars, and the Toyota Highlander Hybrid looks appealing.

Finally, it got to the time for the driver to pick me up. Someone called, but didn't answer when I picked up. Someone called several more times, so I ignored it. He then texted me, and I texted him the name of the hotel and address. He asked me if he should pick me up at 8:05 or 8:30, and I said 8:30. At 8:15 he calls and says that he's at the Westin. Huh? I told him where I was again, and he said, Oh no. Eventually he got to my hotel, but it took him several tries to pull in, which didn't give me the warm fuzzies about his driving. I did NOT give him a tip.

I've been pondering why I always get frazzled in airports. I think that it has to do with pulling everything out in security. OTOH, I passed a guy who was strolling along slowly like, I always take my luggage for a walk! I see people who are knocking their luggage over, etc., and I think "You are my people" :)

I got here way early for a midnight departure, hence the 8:30 pickup. My gate was the farthest one, of course. And they changed the gate twice. I found an electrical outlet and am charging my phone.

I really want to go to sleep. I hope that bodes well for sleeping on the flight. It did. I slept the way to O'Hare and found out how to get to the other terminal. The gate was the farthest gate again. (Is the Universe trying to tell me that I need more exercise?) I dozed at the gate, and I dozed on the flight. The shuttle guy called right after I got off the plane.

Now I'm back. Zara is all excited that I'm back. I haven't seen Mimi yet. I'm making lunch. Lunch was good. Hunger is the best sauce.

Now I think that I'll take a nap, then shower, and then do laundry.

Zara is telling me that she hasn't been fed. Liar :) And Mimi is telling me her tale of woe.

Had a nice nap. I could have slept longer, but I want to be able to sleep tonight. Had a nice shower, but my razor is refusing to shut off. Do I need to replace it every four months? I'm not thrilled. Mimi is upset that I shut her out of the bathroom.

Got laundry going. Sorted the mail, except for the Daily Look and Stitch Fix boxes; I want to get it out in the recycling. Fed the girls and mollified them. Got the garbage and recycling out.

The Southfield Park District has golf and tennis lessons, both of which I'd like to learn, but I think that I should concentrate on relearning to ride my bike. Speaking of which, it's ready at the bike shop, but I'd like for them to put the turn signals that I ordered on eBay. Plus I need to get a bike rack from Amazon. The Park District also has a gentle yoga class that I'd like to try.

Had dinner. Got the clothes in the dryer. I want clean, dry pajamas before I go to sleep.

I was thinking that I really don't enjoy flying any more, but given that I want to go to Hawaii and Europe, flying it is. Train travel is more civilized though. I just IMed my Italian teacher to see if he's back in Italy. I think that my "quest" is to work really hard on Italian for my trip next year.

erik, bicycle, italian, mimi, zara, chores, san francisco, food, travel, train trip

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