Adventures in the Sierras

Sep 05, 2023 22:10

I woke up at 5:30 AM, decided that was too early to get up, and got up at 8:30. Breakfast was kind of a comedy of errors. I made myself some scrambled eggs. Dad made me some sausage, but my eggs were already done so they got cold. Sue got home and made me some coffee.

I threw myself together and off we went to Lake Tahoe. We went on a "scenic" route that was on some twisty turny mountain roads. We saw areas where it had burned last year. I was wondering what would happen to the burnt trees, but Dad said that they were cutting them down. Eventually we got to Lake Tahoe. I wanted lunch, so we stopped at the Swiss Chalet brewery and grill. Well. The food was very good, although there was too much of it, but the subtotal before the tip on the bill was $72! Dad and I both gawked at it. I hadn't looked at the prices, and apparently he hadn't either. That's one place that we we're not going back to. We stopped by a beach so that I could take some pictures of the lake. Then we drove back.

I would like to spend a weekend up there so I chatted with Dad about how I could do it. He offered one of their cars, but I was thinking about renting one in Reno and driving down.

Dad wanted to go on a "medium" walk around the neighborhood with me, so off we went. There are some nice houses with nice landscaping in the neighborhood. We picked up the mail, and I had gotten my San Francisco map and my rain cover for my backpack.

A lot of the pictures were washed out in the desert sun, so I need to learn about exposure on the camera. I'm using it as a point-and-shoot right now.

I really like the new hat.

I'm looking at the GoPro train videos, and they came out quite well. And I'm chatting with Sue's cat and am petting him. He's a real cutie.

We went out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant. The food was quite good, but there was a lot of it, and we took a lot home. I was discussing with Sue taking some of the food on the train with me on Thursday.

I convinced Dad to take me to Mono Lake tomorrow. We need to get an early start, so I need to get to bed early.

Burn area:

A grumpy Dad who didn't want his picture taken:

Lake Tahoe:

Trees near the lake:

Sheep in the valley:

food, clothes, train trip

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