New Diet Food

Aug 05, 2023 00:17

I got my new purse and love it! I'm a little more iffy about the wallet because there are not enough card pockets, but I could make it work. It also can function as a clutch purse, which would be handy.

The new diet food so far has been quite good. I had waffles with fruit compote and sausage for breakfast, tofu pad thai for lunch, and chicken eggplant parmesan for dinner. I got my infuser pitcher and am trying strawberries and kiwi in it. I also got my new scale but haven't set it up yet.

The only problem is that I want to eat more food, but I'm trying to distract myself. I also got some Kindle Unlimited books on self-discipline. I wound up having a snack that was on my plan, although it wasn't what I wanted. Go me.

The first week of August is over. Yikes. I bet that August will go fast.

The weight-loss app asks what you are grateful for. I'm lucky to have a job in which we solve problems for people, which makes them happy and appreciative. I would hate to have a job in which people don't like what you're doing.

I'm wondering if I need a life coach to help encourage me to make progress on the house. Expensive though. Okay, I signed up with BetterHelp.

Took a nap and slept through until 11 PM. Oh shit, I just realized that I need to clear the breezeway too. Otherwise, I won't be able to get to the garage.

I tried the water from the infuser. It's good! I didn't have my hopes up.

I got the breezeway cleared. My back is seizing up, so I'm taking a break before moving stuff in the garage. It occurred to me that visualization might help me lose weight and get the house together, so I bought a couple of books and audiobooks on it. I've also been listening to Jim Rohn, which is helping motivate me. I got the area of the garage where the freezer will go cleared out. Now it's bedtime.

visualization jim rohn, sleep, diet, mom's house, water, food, time flies, weight loss, clothes

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