
Jul 31, 2023 06:41

They say to give yourself treats when you reach your goals. I want to give myself a leather bomber jacket from Quince when I lose the weight.

It got late this morning, so I'm not going to make it to the resale shop to drop off Mom's clothes. I can go on Tuesday. I also want to get up early one day this week to drop off Mom's canes.

I bought a set of Bluetooth headphones to use with my phone to listen to Pandora. I'm going to charge them up so that they'll be ready when I work on the kitchen. Okay, they're working.

I dozed for about 20 minutes and woke up. I still don't think that I'll make it to the thrift shop because I need to take a shower.

Hmm. Mom had some plastic containers that she used to organize her fridge. I want to take them back with me. I need a spot to stage stuff that I want to take back. Maybe the basement? I've been putting some stuff in my bedroom.

Did some dishes. Took a shower. WTF? My body lotion has vanished. I just ordered some more to try. Where could I have put it?

My singing lesson went well. I started on "Till There Was You," and she was showing me how I need to open up my soft palate to sing it.

Took a nap and slept through until morning.

singing, sleep, music, mom's house, chores, weight loss, clothes, voice

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