Weight Loss Plan

Jul 27, 2023 22:26

I forgot to mention yesterday that I heard the news about Sinéad O'Connor and gasped. I hope that she has found peace.

I don't know why I'm so tired today. I got up early but went back to sleep because I was so tired. And I napped at lunch.

I'm wondering if I should start dieting and get BistroMD meals. I'm looking for diet-friendly desserts because I have a sweet tooth. I'm looking at frozen yogurt and fruit. Any suggestions welcome! I got some suggestions from ChatGPT and Google Bard. (Google Bard won because it linked to recipes.) But I'll need some mixing bowls and pans, and I haven't found any in the house. I just bought some metal mixing bowls. I could use a food processor too. Mom said that she had one, but I'm not sure where it is. I bought a refurbished Cusinart on eBay. I'll take it back with me.

I signed up for BistroMDs plan. We'll see how it goes. I also sent an inquiry to a weight loss accountability coach.

My motivation is to be able to walk more easily. (I get winded.) Looking better is a motivation too, but not my primary motivation. I bought some books on weight loss. Oh, maybe looking better is a major motivation. I'm kidding myself.

I left my glasses outside. Way to go.

I ran errands, singing Simon and Garfunkel's "America" in the car. The clothes returns are on their way. I've got my meds. I got some pretty nail polish at CVS for my toes. (I think that Walgreens will get my prescriptions back though because they are offering Doordash for meds.) I got a magazine about losing weight, also at CVS. And I got some sparkling water at Walgreens.

Aww. I closed my eyes briefly, and Mimi crashed out next to me. She's been very cuddly lately.

Somehow, it got late. I need to get to bed soon so that I can take my shower before work and run more errands at lunchtime.

errands, weight loss, diet, tired, rip, mimi

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