Shelter from the Storm

Jul 21, 2023 00:01

We had Kitty Drama this morning. I fed the girls, and Mimi was drinking some water. Zara wanted the water. Drama ensued. Sigh. Share the water dish, girls.

Somehow my Kroger's order arrived without my noticing it.

The dryer guy came early. He said that the belt broke, which he fixed, but that the rotors are stiff to turn, but the dryer is so old that they don't make parts for it anymore. He suggested replacing it in the not-too-distant future. The question is, should I replace it before selling the house? Dad said yes.

Ack what an afternoon. There was a "severe" thunderstorm, and it was nasty enough for me to take shelter in the basement, bringing my work laptop down with me. When I came back up, I discovered that I didn't have cell or WiFi access on my phone, so I couldn't do two-factor authentication for the work VPN. It took quite a bit of time and multiple reboots to get both cell access and WiFi on my phone. Then my laptop said that I didn't have access to the VPN. I rebooted the laptop, and finally everything worked. As I commented to a colleague, "That was a waste of time". Also, I got my ThredUp delivery, and the boxes got soaked :(

The car service place had called earlier to tell me that Mom's car was ready, but by the time that I called them, their last shuttle had already gone. I'll call them tomorrow afternoon.

I looked on Chico's at dresses, but the one that I really liked was sold out. Another wasn't available in my size. A third one would work, but I'm kind of "eh" about it. I looked on Ann Taylor Loft, and they had a black sundress that I like. Hmm. I'd have to get a strapless bra to wear with it. I could throw the blue-and-black jacket over it if I need to cover up. (I bought it and this necklace to go with it. And a strapless bra.) The mauve dress from Coldwater Creek is definitely going back.

I wound up piling some stuff on top of my swim bag, plus I'm tired, so no swimming tonight. Tomorrow maybe. Meanwhile I'll get the stuff off of the breezeway.

Took a nap and slept for a freaking long time. Gathered up my Coldwater Creek order to return, but realized that USPS wants plastic packing tape, not my U-Haul paper tape. Tried to place a Kroger order including the tape, but got an error message. I called, but I have to call tomorrow. Got the Coldwater Creek and Ann Taylor Loft returns together except for the tape. Tried on some Nordstorm Rack tops on that I've been meaning to try, and I did a good job picking them because I liked them all. Got the ThredUp clothes out of their wet boxes so that they wouldn't mold. One sweater was soaked, so I'll need to hang it outside tomorrow. Nice clothes though. There will be another fashion show soon.

sleep, weather, mom's house, mimi, zara, mom's car, work, clothes, cats

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