Meditation Day

Jun 21, 2023 23:10

The TaskRabbit person is coming on Sunday to start bagging Mom's clothes and packing pictures. She sounds nice.

I couldn't find my beachy shoes until I found them under a chair. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and the shoes today. It got fairly hot.

The mower guys came and mowed. I've got the manual sprinkler going and am moving it occasionally. I'm planning to water the garden tonight (done). The hose is tangled up though, and I couldn't pull it out to its full length.

Got my GoPro. Lots of photography and video making in my future.

Attended my meditation class. We're working through dealing with aversion, which is hard. I keep starting to fall asleep when I meditate though. I almost pitched face first into my laptop!

Ran to Kroger and picked up some stuff. And I forgot to get soda!! Argh! I'll have to submit a grocery order.

Cleaned up the kitchen some. Got stuff ready for Ken to pick up the freezer tomorrow. Which reminds me that I need to email him.

The inside heel of one of my Skechers has worn down. I bought some pads to put inside the shoe, but I also ordered a new pair. Sheesh, they're expensive, but comfortable.

mom's house, ken, errands, chores, video, clothes, gopro, meditation

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