Ouchy Day

Jun 02, 2023 22:50

I've been looking at Celebrity's summaries of its shore excursions for the cruise that I booked. It looks like I'll be able to go to the beach that the airplanes skim over in St. Maarten. And I should be able to see the Pitons on St. Lucia. I'm good :) I found some excursions by another company that might be cheaper. I'm trying to decide whether to do excursions for all the stops or to take a couple of "on-ship" days. A beach day would be nice. However, an article that I read said to do spa days during an onshore day to get a discount.

I was fighting a headache all day. It kept on reoccurring. I finally told my voice teacher that I was sick and lay down for a while. Then I overslept, but that's good. I need to be together tomorrow to get some stuff done. Huh. I'm feeling better now. I drank some water, so maybe I was dehydrated.

I think that I'm ready to donate some of my mom's clothes, but there is no Goodwill nearby, and I don't want to donate them to the Salvation Army. Not sure what to do. Oh! A local church has a food pantry and clothing closet! I'll call them tomorrow.

Note to self: Test sprinklers tomorrow! I'm getting worried about the lawn staying green. And water indoor plants (partially done).

I need to pick a spot in the house tomorrow and start working. Okay, I got a corner of the kitchen done tonight. I need to figure out what to do with some blank books though. Oh, and I found some file folders too (full).

Zara was showing me her belly, so all's right in her world :) Now she's being cheeky and is going after my Lean Cuisine pizza. Forget it, Zara.

I think that I should go to sleep soon. I hope that I feel energetic tomorrow.

zara, mom, travel, cruise, headache

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