Return to Yoga

Feb 07, 2023 22:17

I stayed up stupidly late last night thinking about school and stuff. I took a nap over lunch, but I've been kind of brain dead.

I did make it to yoga. Whenever I do yoga, I think about how much I like it, but the trick is making the time to go to the class (and practice outside of class?) I'd like to take the time to follow some of the Adriene yoga videos on my non-class days. My therapist thinks that my stress levels are off the charts, and she thinks that yoga would really help.

There is another yoga studio that has classes on Saturdays for people over 50, but I don't want to start something right before I go to Michigan. Plus those classes are right after my therapy session, but we could probably reschedule the session.

I think that I should find a yoga studio near my mom's house to pick up some lessons while I'm there. I emailed a gym by my mom's house, to which I have access from my health plan, to see if I could take some yoga classes there. I can swim there, so that at least would be relaxing. I need to bring my swim bag with me.

I should probably start a meditation practice again, but I feel like I can't deal with one more thing.

I got my homework done and did pretty well on it. Go me and all that.

I'm having a bitch of a time finding a house cleaner. I just messaged someone else with an actual business, so I'm hoping that they'll do it.

I'm tired. I'm thinking about going to sleep and getting up early. I need to hose down litter boxes outside, but that would be easier after it gets light. Oh yeah, I need to finish up and mail the passport renewal too.

home, therapist, tired, classes, cleaning, chores, yoga, meditation

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