Shake, Shake, Shake It

Jan 09, 2023 02:12

The mint shake was pretty good. I'll have to remember it as a possibility.

It's snowing this morning, but the Weather Channel says that there shouldn't be a lot of accumulation.

I really want to go back to sleep, but I can't. Well, I rescheduled my junk hauler order for next week, so I can go back to sleep for a while. I still need to sweep the storage space, so I can't get there too late, but I have time for a nap.

It looks like a snow globe outside.

Had a nice nap.

Oh, they did find someone to take my stuff. I presume that they saw the delay. They did. We're negotiating a time for next Sunday. I have to be there by noon.

I swept out the storage space except for one corner in which I have extra (flat) boxes that won't fit in the car. I'll ask for another week. I paid for the whole month, so it should be okay.

Now I'm at Steak N' Shake. Their milkshake machine isn't working, bummer. Went to Walmart and got soup and some odds and ends.

I did something to my knee while I was loading the car. I think that's the end of my work here. Maybe I can get to bed early and get up early.

Stopped and got a mint shake at the Urbana Steak N' Shake. I'm getting hooked on those shakes.

Came home and took acetaminophen and a nap and slept through until 1:30 AM. I did my nighttime tasks, and I'm going to take a shower and go back to sleep.

ouch, errands, move, food, sleep, weather

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