Boxes, Boxes, Boxes

Dec 17, 2022 23:24

I looked at crocs like susandennis mentioned because I want to start swimming again after the move. Apparently, crocs don't have wide widths. Oh well. No, they have a page of wide shoes. Maybe I'll try them. They don't have half-sizes though.

I overslept this morning. Suckage. Started laundry. Messaged a guy who wants to pick up my old manual treadmill.

Zara says that food is her love language :)

Headache, but I can't lie down. I'm writing Christmas cards while I'm waiting for the acetaminophen to kick in. My cards are done, even the one to my friend Lance in which I write a short recap of the year. I'd like to see Lance, but who knows when or if I'd take a road trip to Kansas City.

The treadmill guy says that he needs to get gas money and then he'll come over. Hmm, I wish that he'll get here soon because I think that I'll need more medium boxes (in storage). If I run out of medium boxes, I can pack books and the wardrobe boxes though.

I saw a super cute wool coat, but I don't really need it. I'll have to think about it. Hmm, I have a promo code, but it doesn't apply to items on sale. So it's expensive. And I'd need boots to wear with it, although I saw some used ones on eBay.

I forgot to say that my aunt's house is up for sale now. We'll see what happens. It doesn't look like her house anymore.

I sat down for a minute, and Mimi went, "Oooh, a warm lap." Cats, ruining productivity for thousands of years! Now she's "helping" me pack and is checking out the empty shelves in the kitchen. And now Zara is on my lap.

Treadmill guy is still waiting for his gas money. I'm going to take a short nap and then throw myself together to go get boxes and mail Christmas cards. I found more soup and some cookies, so I don't need to go to the store tonight.

Back with tons of boxes, and I mailed my Christmas cards.

Talked to Mom. Here's a new wrinkle: she can't get up off the couch. She's now sleeping in her chair so that she can get up. And she's having digestive problems. (She was talking to me on the toilet.) So she doesn't know if she'll be able to come out or not. She'll keep me posted. I did say that I could still come up on Friday of next week and come back on Monday because I need to pick up the girls on Tuesday.

Talking to her gets me agitated, but I need to get more done before I crash. Hmm, I'm yawning though. I just ordered Jimmy John's because I'm craving roast beef. It was good. Zara thought that it smelled good too and was reaching for it with her paw. Dream on, cat.

Oh what the hell. I'm going to bed. But I'm going to set a wake up call as well as my alarms to annoy myself into getting up early.

lance, christmas, sleep, moving, headache, mimi, chores, zara, swimming, mom, food, auntie a, clothes

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