Errand Day

Nov 25, 2022 23:11

I ordered Christmas cards to be shipped to me. My list keeps decreasing. If you'd like a card from me, let me know.

Took a nap. Mimi is still sleeping, and I hate to wake her up, but I need to get going. I bought a battery-operated lantern on Amazon to extend my time at the storage place. It's supposed to be really bright.

Zara really likes the tallest box of boxes. She's not going to be happy when I open it.

After my shower, I think that I'm going to get some stuff together to go to the thrift store. One is an end table that needs assembling, but it shouldn't take too long. It didn't. It's a nice table, but I have no need for it. Someone will buy it.

My Italian teacher is still sick, so no class on Sunday.

Got in touch with my pet sitter, and she agreed to help me wrangle the new TV inside on Sunday. I'll need to get up early because she needs to be at work at 3 PM.

Got some boxes inside from the car.

Success! I dropped the stuff off at the thrift store and also went to the drugstore and picked up my meds. Then I got my Meijer account set up and called Mom to see if she was able to submit an order. She hadn't, so she's going to log into my account tomorrow and order that way.

I have more clothes in the wash. I'm thinking that I should go to bed soon because Mom might need help ordering from Meijer tomorrow morning. Also, I need to get up early on Sunday.

errands, zara, mom, christmas, italian, mimi

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