Signed the Lease

Nov 18, 2022 22:27

I think that I've decided on a Winkbed, the softer version. It's a hybrid mattress. It would be the most expensive one, but if I sleep well, it might be worth it.

I set my alarm for 4:30 AM, but got up at 7. I'm still feeling under the weather and have a sore throat. But I need to go to Champaign today, so I'll go. I screwed up on the time for class, so I'll need to leave halfway through. Oh well. Started laundry.

I'm kind of doing triage on what I want to buy for the new place. I might wait on the living room furniture until my aunt's house sells. I will go for the bedroom stuff and the dining room table. And I'd like to get bookcases for the dining room so that I can unpack my books.

I signed the lease. We decided that I would pick up the keys on the 19th instead of the 15th because they'll still be doing stuff in there. That means that I'll have to decide where to put stuff fast because my preferred move date is the next day.

I got to the bank and deposited the check from my aunt's estate. I'll sleep easier knowing that it's in the bank.

I decided to eat in Champaign and went to Steak and Shake. I managed to get cheese sauce on my nice shirt. I think that I got most of it off, but I'm going to put on pajamas soon and treat it with Oxyclean.

And there was an accident on the highway on the way back. It was stop and go traffic for a while. We had to merge, but someone wouldn't let me in. Bah. Then they routed us off of the highway. When we got back on the highway, I stopped at the next truck stop to use the bathroom. I heard some truckers saying that it was a crossover accident and it was bad. Poor people.

I got to Lincoln over an hour after I should have gotten here. I went straight to the store and thought that I'd just pick up a few things, but I got my second wind and did my full shopping. I need to get gas, but I'll do that later.

Zara cracked me up. I hadn't fed them yet and was in the bathroom because I'm having IBS issues. Zara reached around the door with her paw. She didn't want me to forget to feed her! They're fed now, and all is forgiven.

I asked people at work if they recommended AT&T Fiber, and they recommended another company, but it isn't available at the new house. I think that I will try AT&T Fiber and see how it goes.

I'm beat. I think that I'll go to bed early. I might become a morning person yet (but I doubt it!)

home, errands, zara, furniture, money, moving

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