Success! Part 2

Oct 09, 2022 22:27

Woke up a little before when my alarm went off. I'm feeling tired. Zara made a big fuss over me.

My Google Fi order is still showing "out for delivery". I routed it to Walgreens because FedEx said that it would be delivered yesterday. Hmm. Okay, I got a text that it arrived.

Got my laptop set up again. I'm early for Italian. Italian went well. My teacher is impressed by how busy I am :)

Unloaded the stuff from the truck that's going inside my home. The guys did a good job tying down the entertainment center; it didn't move.

The second set of guys came and unloaded the entertainment center. It fit in storage perfectly. I covered it with a moving blanket. I remembered to gas up the truck, but I drove back with the sliding door open! Nothing was in there, so it didn't matter. Now I'm sitting for a moment before I sweep out the truck (done). I'm running early.

Dropped the truck off after having to take a million pictures of it for the U-Haul app. Went out to eat at Arby's because I was starving and hadn't had lunch. Texted my aunt's nephew with the upshot of my Chicago trip. Went grocery shopping. Mom called while I was in the store. She got her smartphone working, which is good. She's starting to pack for Chicago. I picked up the Google Fi envelope, but I'm too tired to deal with it right now.

I'm really tired. I'd like to go to sleep, but there's a study session for our test next week that I should attend. Also, I need to do laundry. I'd start it, but Zara is on my lap. Started laundry. Something is wrong with my washer because it's making a high-pitched noise when it spins. Need to call the repair person. Took out the garbage.

No study group. I should be disappointed, but actually, I'm relieved. I want to finish my laundry and go to sleep.

Solved the mystery of the missing moving tie-down. It was sent a a separate package that got misplaced. But I'm missing my spare glasses. What do I do, eat them? Fling them in the air? I need to do some serious organizing this week.

Started my nighttime tasks. And now the dryer has stopped, so I need to finish up and crash!

classes, italian, phone, zara, aargh, mom, auntie a, chicago

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