
Oct 05, 2022 00:40

I'm telling Zara that she's a stomach with legs. She wants her lunchtime snack! Actually, she gained a little weight and looks good. She was very thin before.

I had a bad case of the "don't wannas" (plus I've been fighting a headache all day) for class, but I attended anyway.

I picked out a day to take off so that I can look at places in Champaign. Next week is not going to work, so I'm targeting Wednesday of the week after. (It's a case of, "Which meetings can I skip?")

I tried lying down but couldn't sleep. Just as well because I have stuff to do.

Watched a Flight Channel video about a near miss at O'Hare. A 737 doing its takeoff roll rotated early and cleared a 747 on an intersecting runway by 35 feet. The only thing to say is "Fuck!!!!!" I didn't know that O'Hare had intersecting runways. I don't think that I wanted to know that.

Things are coming together for my Chicago trip. My pet sitter will drive me to the U-Haul place. My aunt's nephew called and asked if I would be there on Saturday so that the real estate person could look around. And oh yeah, I need to doublecheck that I've got the keys to the place.

I got the Pixel and it's charging. I need to buy a case for it (done). I joined Google Fi to get them to send me the SIM for it. I need to contact AT&T for a transfer pin, but I'll wait until I'm ready to transfer the cell phone number to avoid issues with AT&T.

Started laundry. Went back to work. And oh hell, I forgot to put the clothes in the dryer. I guess that I'll dry it in the morning and wear pajamas when I start work.

classes, headache, phone, zara, chores, auntie a, air transport, accidents, chicago

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