Sweater Weather

Sep 26, 2022 01:09

Oops. I forgot that my Italian teacher wanted to start the lesson an hour and a half later. I guess that it's a good time to study for my test.

I broke a measuring cup this morning. Oh well.

I use an app that tracks my moods. Looking back, I went from "meh" when I got back from Chicago to "good" now. Actually, I'm feeling really happy. I don't know why. I feel like I'm on the right track in my life.

Italian went really well. When my teacher was speaking Italian when we did conversation at the beginning, I was concentrating on what he was saying, and I forgot for a moment that he was speaking Italian. We also had a listening comprehension exercise that I did pretty well at.

Napped. Got gobs of garbage out. Ran out to replace my measuring cup (done). Got more Chinese food and gas. Returned library books.

Started tackling the wicker chest. I have some t-shirts that I got from various projects that I worked on as a tech writer. I never wear them. So, I'm taking a picture of them and disposing of them. I also have a bunch of zip up hoodie jackets, which I need to sort through and get rid of some of them.

Put my aunt's sweaters in the wicker chest and hung up her coats. I now have enough sweaters to last me the rest of my life. I still have to go through some stuff that I took out of the wicker chest, but still, I think that I did good. I have a bag of clothes to throw out and started one for the thrift store. And I can get into my closet again.

I got a beautiful San Francisco t-shirt in the mail. I love it!
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