More Driving, More Clothes

Aug 27, 2022 22:11

I threw myself together and ran to Whole Foods for Mom. I'm really enjoying driving in Chicago (with the help of the GPS on my phone). I also really like Forest Park. People have stopped there several times to let me in traffic! Also in the store! I couldn't afford a house there, but could afford a condo. Hmm. But my car was the cheapest car in the Whole Foods parking lot :)

When I came back, Mom said that she found still more sweaters in my aunt's closet. I asked her, "How many sweaters did she have?" I think that I'm taking around ten of them. Maybe more. I tried them on and a pantsuit and dress. I grabbed a t-shirt that says, "Memphis Music Store, Beale Street, TN". I have the t-shirt on now. Then Mom folded all the "good" clothes that we want to donate to a woman's shelter, and I noted them down in a donation notebook that my aunt's nephew created. Then I bagged them. Mom says that she'll fold and bag stuff going to Goodwill while I'm gone. Mom said that she found some shorts for me to try, but I said that I was burnt out and will try them tomorrow.

I started laundry. Then I went through my aunt and uncle's CDs. I took most of my uncle's classical CDs.

I heated up some Shrimp De Jonghe for dinner, and it was very good. Now I'm fading fast. Tomorrow I leave for Lincoln, but I'm not going to leave until the late afternoon.

food, auntie a, music, chicago, clothes

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