Almost Ready

Aug 21, 2022 21:43

It's a dark, gloomy, and foggy day, but it's not supposed to rain. I got up around 9:30 AM. Dried my clothes.

Zara seems a little constipated. Bad timing with me leaving. I'll get her some pumpkin to mix in her food.

Back with some food from Aldi and pumpkin from Walmart for Zara. Returned library books. Cleaned out the passenger's front seat in the car for Mom. Mom called as soon as I came in. She said that things were going well, but she lectured me about getting there in a timely manner tomorrow. Sigh.

I'm boiling hot. Got the garbage out though.

The people in my classes are really nice. There's a half-dozen people offering their notes from classes on Tuesday.

Started packing (suitcase done; need to pack laptop). Then I need to tidy up a little and go to sleep EARLY.

sleep, weather, classes, zara, errands, chores, mom, travel

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